In this episode of "I Don't Get The Bible," Shawn and Delaney McCraney continue their discussion of 1st Corinthians Chapter 1. They delve into the concept of idolatry and how it is ingrained in human nature. Shawn explains that our material nature leads us to idolize things, and this is why salvation is purely by God's grace. They also discuss how the church can sometimes become an idol, and how leaders in religious institutions need to be aware of this tendency. The episode also touches on the wisdom of the world versus the wisdom of God, and how the message of the Cross can seem foolish to those who are perishing but is the power of God to those who are being saved. The conversation is thought-provoking and sheds light on alternative perspectives of the Bible. Listeners are encouraged to submit questions and engage with the podcast hosts on their website, The episode is part of the Great News Network and is a part of a larger conversation about faith and spirituality. Tune in to gain insight into the teachings of the Bible and how they can be applied to modern life.
In this featured YouTube Shorts segment, we delve into the second part of our in-depth analysis of 1st Corinthians Chapter 1. Join us as we explore the profound insights and teachings found within this biblical passage. Don't miss out on Episode 80 of our podcast series, available now on YouTube. #1stCorinthians #BiblicalTeachings #PodcastEpisode80
In this featured YouTube Shorts segment of Episode 79, we delve into the profound insights of 1st Corinthians Chapter 1. Join us as we explore the timeless wisdom and teachings found within this biblical passage. Discover the significance of unity, wisdom, and the power of God's message in shaping our lives. Don't miss out on this enlightening discussion! Watch now.
Join Shawn and Delaney McCraney on their thought-provoking journey through the book of 1st Corinthians in this enlightening episode of "I Don't Get The Bible." As they challenge traditional interpretations and offer fresh insights, they empower listeners to think critically and engage with scripture in a way that resonates with their own spiritual journey. Don't miss out on this opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of 1st Corinthians and explore alternative interpretations that may transform your relationship with scripture. Click the link to listen now!
In this featured YouTube Shorts segment of Episode 77, we delve into Acts Chapter 12, exploring its profound significance. Join us as we uncover the captivating events and lessons within this biblical chapter. Don't miss out on this enlightening discussion! Watch now.
I Don't Get The Bible's Episode 76, titled "Acts Chapter 11," features self-taught theologian Shawn McCraney and his daughter Delaney McCraney as they delve into the rich content of this chapter. As Delaney continues her journey of reading the Bible for the first time, she seeks her father's insights on the passages she has encountered. This podcast aims to provide an alternative perspective on what the Bible says and means to Christian believers today, with the belief that it will bring liberty and light to seekers of Truth. With each episode receiving its own blog post on the podcast website, this episode offers a fresh perspective that challenges traditional interpretations. Join Shawn and Delaney as they explore the significance of Acts Chapter 11 and unravel its deeper meanings. Whether you are a seasoned Bible reader or someone curious about its teachings, this episode offers a new understanding of Acts Chapter 11 and how it can impact your spiritual journey. Tune in to gain insights that will enrich your understanding of the Bible.
Self-taught theologian Shawn McCraney and his daughter Delaney McCraney delve into Acts Chapter 11. Join them as they explore the significance of this chapter and unravel its deeper meanings. Gain a fresh perspective that challenges traditional interpretations and discover how Acts Chapter 11 can impact your spiritual journey. Tune in now for a new understanding of the Bible.
In this featured YouTube Shorts segment, we delve into the second part of our in-depth analysis of 1st Corinthians Chapter 1. Join us as we explore the profound insights and teachings found within this biblical passage. Don't miss out on Episode 80 of our podcast series, available now on YouTube. #1stCorinthians #BiblicalTeachings #PodcastEpisode80
In this episode of "I Don't Get The Bible," hosts Delaney and Shawn McCraney delve into Matthew chapter 16. They explore various topics such as the sign of Jonah and its connection to Jesus' resurrection, the interpretation of "son of man" and "son of God," and the debated passage regarding Peter as the foundation of the church. The hosts discuss the different interpretations offered by Catholicism, Mormons, and Christians, shedding light on the significance of the original Greek text. Throughout the conversation, they emphasize the importance of digging deeper and diligently seeking the truth, even when the meaning may not be immediately apparent. They invite listeners to engage in their own research and not solely rely on surface-level understanding. Join Delaney and Shawn as they navigate the complexities of the Bible, chapter by chapter, in their ongoing quest to unravel its purpose and place.
In this episode of "I Don't Get The Bible," hosts Delaney and Shawn McCraney dive into Matthew chapter 12. They engage in an unedited and unprepared discussion about the chapter, exploring the parables and seeking clarification on Jesus' actions and teachings. They focus on Jesus' response to the Pharisees' accusations of breaking the Sabbath law, referencing individuals from the past like David and Moses who also defied the law. The hosts contemplate the purpose of the law and its role in demonstrating love for God. They also discuss the Hebrew mind and language, emphasizing the challenge of understanding the Book of Revelation without a proper grasp of Hebrew thought. Delaney and Shawn reflect on the Bible as a gift from God, acknowledging its profound teachings while contemplating the potential benefits and limitations of an intermediary text. They ponder the nature of forgiveness and the concept of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, seeking to understand the significance of these teachings in relation to faith and salvation. Throughout their conversation, they grapple with the complexity of biblical interpretation and the importance of seeking understanding through the guidance of the Spirit.
In this episode of "I Don't Get The Bible," hosts Delaney and Shawn McCraney discuss Chapter 11 of the Bible. They start by exploring the story of John the Baptist, who was imprisoned after baptizing Jesus. They delve into John's doubts and his question about whether Jesus is the one they were waiting for. The hosts highlight the significance of Jesus' response, pointing out the miracles he performed as evidence of his messiahship. They also discuss the misconception that the Messiah would be a political king and how people's expectations shaped their reception of Jesus. The conversation then shifts to the enigmatic phrase about the Kingdom of Heaven suffering violence and men taking it by force. The hosts acknowledge the difficulty in interpreting this passage and reflect on other instances where Jesus mentions unknown references. They explore Jesus' generalizations about cities and areas, explaining that he was addressing specific cultural and belief contexts. The hosts touch upon the destruction of Jerusalem by the Roman Empire, which marked the end of the Jewish world as they knew it. They emphasize the transition to the age of the spirit and the unification of Jews and Gentiles through faith. The episode concludes with a glimpse into the historical and prophetic backdrop of the time, connecting Malachi's prophecy of the Great and Dreadful day to the events surrounding Jesus' ministry. Overall, Delaney and Shawn offer insightful perspectives on the chapter and shed light on the historical, cultural, and spiritual dimensions of the biblical narrative.
In this episode of "I Don't Get The Bible," hosts Delaney and Shawn McCraney continue their exploration of chapter 10. They discuss a statement made by Jesus about not being able to reach all the cities of Israel before his return. They debate whether his "coming back" refers to his resurrection or a future event. The hosts also delve into the concept of the "great and Dreadful day" and its significance in Jewish prophecy. They explore the meaning of Jesus' words about not fearing those who can kill the body but fearing God who can destroy both body and soul in Gehenna. The discussion touches on the distinction between the soul and the spirit, Adam and Eve as the beginning point of the human race, and the value of confessing Jesus before men. The hosts reflect on the deaths of the disciples and speculate about their predecessors and the transmission of their teachings.
In this episode of "I Don't Get The Bible," Delaney McCraney reads Matthew chapter 10 and raises questions to her theologian and cult leader father. Delaney starts by questioning why Jesus decides to give his disciples authority over unclean spirits and the power to heal diseases at this specific time. They discuss the significance of the number 12 in scripture and its association with mystical beliefs. Delaney also ponders the reasons behind Jesus' instructions to his disciples and their applicability to present-day circumstances. They explore the idea that Jesus came specifically for the Jewish people and how that influences the interpretation of his teachings. The episode delves into the cultural and historical context of the passages and highlights the importance of discerning which teachings are intended for specific audiences and which ones hold broader principles. The conversation raises thought-provoking questions about the Bible's relevance and the interpretation of its messages in modern times.
In this episode of "I Don't Get The Bible," Delaney McCraney continues her exploration of the book of Matthew, focusing on chapter nine. Delaney reads the passage where Jesus forgives a paralyzed man and heals him, which leads to a discussion with her theologian and cult leader father. They delve into the concept of Jesus' authority to forgive sins and the importance of miracles in establishing belief. They also touch on the calling of Matthew, the significance of Jesus eating with sinners, and the use of scripture to defend and refute certain practices. Delaney raises questions about the chronology of events and the distinction between apostles and disciples. The episode ends with Jesus expressing compassion for the lost and emphasizing the need for laborers in the spiritual harvest. Despite the complexities and contradictions encountered, Delaney and her father strive to understand the deeper principles behind the scriptures.
In this episode of the podcast "I Don't Get The Bible," Delaney McCraney reads chapter eight of the book of Matthew and discusses it with her theologian and cult leader father. They explore various topics such as the miracles Jesus performs, the faith of a Roman centurion, the inclusion of gentiles in Jesus' ministry, the different ways Jesus conducts miracles, and the significance of Jesus calling himself the Son of Man and the Son of God. They also touch on the idea of salvation and the role of faith in entering the kingdom of heaven. Throughout their conversation, Delaney raises thought-provoking questions about the deliberate nature of Jesus' actions and the freedom he exhibits in his miracles. The episode provides insights into the complex and multifaceted nature of Jesus' ministry and his interactions with different individuals.
In this episode of the podcast "I Don't Get The Bible," the hosts delve into Matthew chapter seven, focusing on the Sermon on the Mount and the age-old principles discussed by Jesus. Delaney asks clarifying questions about the audience Jesus was speaking to, the profound impact of his teachings, and the implications of the law before and after Jesus's death. They explore the concept of righteousness, the role of belief, and the idea of the Lake of Fire in relation to salvation. The conversation touches on the parallels between the culture of that time and present-day Christianity, as well as the potential purging and refining aspects of the Lake of Fire.
In Episode 12 of the podcast "I Don't Get The Bible," Delaney McCraney continues reading the Bible for the first time and discussing it with her theologian and cult leader father. In this episode, they focus on Matthew Chapter 6. Delaney raises questions about the concept of perfection and how it relates to loving one's enemies. Her father explains that Jesus teaches believers to love those who persecute them, and it reflects God's disposition towards those who hate Him. They also discuss the Lord's Prayer and the importance of understanding its context. Delaney brings up the topic of anxiety, expressing her surprise that it is addressed in the Bible. Her father explains that it is an appeal to faith and trusting in God's provision. They explore the difference between believers and non-believers in handling anxiety. Throughout the conversation, they emphasize the importance of reading the Bible in context and understanding the overall message.
In this episode of "I Don't Get The Bible," Delaney McCraney explores Matthew Chapter 3 with her theologian and cult leader father. They discuss John the Baptist's role as a wilderness preacher and his unique lifestyle as a Nazarite. Delaney learns about the distinction between the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Heaven and how John's message of the Kingdom being at hand was a warning to the people. They also delve into the different Jewish sects, such as the Pharisees and Sadducees, and their involvement in the governance of the Jewish Kingdom under Roman rule. The episode concludes with a discussion on the significance of genealogy and the shift from blood ties to Abraham to the importance of love in the new dispensation introduced by the birth of Christ. Delaney's understanding of the Bible and its implications undergoes a significant transformation during this enlightening conversation.
In the YouTube podcast "I Don't Get The Bible," the hosts discuss the New Testament's origins and purpose. They explain that the New Testament emerged from ancient Jewish writings, later distinguished from the Old Testament. They highlight debates about the timeline of the New Testament's composition and emphasize that its true meaning lies in personal transformation rather than a set of universal rules.
In the YouTube podcast "I Don't Get The Bible," the hosts discuss the New Testament's origins and purpose. They explain that the New Testament emerged from ancient Jewish writings, later distinguished from the Old Testament. They highlight debates about the timeline of the New Testament's composition and emphasize that its true meaning lies in personal transformation rather than a set of universal rules.
In the YouTube podcast "I Don't Get The Bible," the hosts discuss the New Testament's origins and purpose. They explain that the New Testament emerged from ancient Jewish writings, later distinguished from the Old Testament. They highlight debates about the timeline of the New Testament's composition and emphasize that its true meaning lies in personal transformation rather than a set of universal rules.
In the YouTube podcast "I Don't Get The Bible," the hosts discuss the New Testament's origins and purpose. They explain that the New Testament emerged from ancient Jewish writings, later distinguished from the Old Testament. They highlight debates about the timeline of the New Testament's composition and emphasize that its true meaning lies in personal transformation rather than a set of universal rules.
In the YouTube podcast "I Don't Get The Bible," the hosts discuss the New Testament's origins and purpose. They explain that the New Testament emerged from ancient Jewish writings, later distinguished from the Old Testament. They highlight debates about the timeline of the New Testament's composition and emphasize that its true meaning lies in personal transformation rather than a set of universal rules.
In the YouTube podcast "I Don't Get The Bible," the hosts discuss the New Testament's origins and purpose. They explain that the New Testament emerged from ancient Jewish writings, later distinguished from the Old Testament. They highlight debates about the timeline of the New Testament's composition and emphasize that its true meaning lies in personal transformation rather than a set of universal rules.
In the YouTube podcast "I Don't Get The Bible," the hosts discuss the New Testament's origins and purpose. They explain that the New Testament emerged from ancient Jewish writings, later distinguished from the Old Testament. They highlight debates about the timeline of the New Testament's composition and emphasize that its true meaning lies in personal transformation rather than a set of universal rules.
In the YouTube podcast "I Don't Get The Bible," the hosts discuss the New Testament's origins and purpose. They explain that the New Testament emerged from ancient Jewish writings, later distinguished from the Old Testament. They highlight debates about the timeline of the New Testament's composition and emphasize that its true meaning lies in personal transformation rather than a set of universal rules.
In the YouTube podcast "I Don't Get The Bible," the hosts discuss the New Testament's origins and purpose. They explain that the New Testament emerged from ancient Jewish writings, later distinguished from the Old Testament. They highlight debates about the timeline of the New Testament's composition and emphasize that its true meaning lies in personal transformation rather than a set of universal rules.